Now before you think this is a blog about how much I hate cooking.... well.... as plausible as it sounds, that's absolutely gibberish. I love cooking!!!! :) Unbelievable. I've totally surprised myself as well as people around me....:) To begin with, I would hate venturing into the kitchen. And yesterday Ive emerged triumphant with an insanely fussy husband actually taking 2 & 3 & 4 helpings. Now how on earth did I make that rapid transition?? I have no idea!!!
I possibly slipped into the image that was built about me. A career woman... always studying... knows nothing about the home & hearth. Even my husband teased that if we ever had our own kitchen, it would be stacked with MTR ready to eat meals. Today that same man begs me to eat outside just coz I spend too much time in the kitchen dishing out the recipe of the day!!! ;)
When I got married, I did not know how to make my staple food. rice!!! :) :)
Sometimes, you slip into moulds that people make for you. and then you get a chance to shake it off and move on. Grab it when that happens. I dint know there was a chef Mansi hiding inside me....Now that she has emerged, there's no stopping her. :) :) :) and what's my secret ingredient? " unpredictability" I am just not sure about the end result when I begin to cook! Cooking is not rocket science... but yes!! You sure can use a little bit of logic.. a little bit of experience.... and a whole lot of confidence!!!! :) You are the best cook in the world!! It doesn't matter if people are waiting to sneer at you that you are just this geeky lil monster who yanks out teeth for a living.
:) I've learnt that the more you pull yourself down, there will be twenty & more people willing to jump over you & push you deeper. So, perk up those shoulders , lift that chin up.... and walk with your head held high..;) and let the critics rest in peace. :)
Bon Appetit.
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